welcome.gif (9393 bytes)                     ARMENIAN EMBROIDERY

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These are different designs for pillowcases.  The designs are on black, red or blue velvet.   Scroll down the page to see all of them.


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Pink Roses Design:

This is a new embroidered piece (it can be a pillow cover, or a portrait for framing or anything else you would like it to be).  The design is called Roses.   The colors are diffrent shades of  pink and the branches are green.  The color of the velvet is dark blue.   This is a simple design easy to make and beautiful to embroider.







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Geometric design:

This is a new embroidered piece.   Anybody who wants to draw this design should be careful in drawing the curves and use circular templates to insure the drawing is symetrical. This design is difficult and more complicated than the first design on this page (Pink Roses Design).









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Sunflower Design:

This is an easy and fun to do  design. 










Black Pillowcase: 

Cloth is 16 x 16 inches black velvet. Thread is DMC 25. Thread colors are yellow, red, brown,and white. Thread has six strands; use only three of the six strands to embroider (cut the desired length of the six-strand thread, then pull three strands together and thread them into the needle).

Sizes and colors may be varied to the taste of the individual.









Red Pillowcase: 

Cloth is 18 x 18 inches red (crimson) velvet. Thread is DMC 25. Thread colors are yellow (#744) and mustard (#783). Thread has six strands; use only three of the six strands to embroider (cut the desired length of the six-strand thread, then pull three strands together and thread them into the needle).

Sizes and colors may be varied to the taste of the individual.







Blue Pillowcase: 

Cloth is 17 x 17 inches royal blue velvet. Thread is DMC 25. Thread colors are yellow (#744) and mustard (#783). Thread has six strands; use only three of the six strands to embroider (cut the desired length of the six-strand thread, then pull three strands together and thread them into the needle).

Sizes and colors may be varied to the taste of the individual.







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