welcome.gif (9133 bytes)        ARMENIAN EMBROIDERY

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This embroidered piece is from a friend who has done beautiful job and my special thanks to those who have sent me pictures and given me permision to publish them:

eagle.jpg (22646 bytes)


My friend sent the following brief explanation of the picture:

"The Eagle is a symbol of our democracy but also the Eagle is a symbol of honor and might to the Armenian people. The mountain range was to represent Musa Dagh and the fighting spirit of his ancestors.  The translation of the Armenian writing next to the Eagle is 'Evil Flourishes when good people do nothing'."


This is an Armenian Sampler designed by a friend who has done a great job.  Thanks for giving me permission to publish this Sampler on my web site.

armeniansamplerpm.jpg (12896 bytes)   http://www.atelierfeesbrodeuses.fr

Click on the link above or the Sampler if you like to see a bigger image of the Sampler.

This Sampler was designed as a tribute to my husband's Armenian roots and is also dedicated to my Armenian family in law and my wonderful Armenian friends.  Stiched on 36 ct Summer Khaki linen by Zweigart with silk threads. The Thread Gatherer "Silk'n colors" and Au Ver à Soie" Soie D'Alger ".  The stiches are mostly cross-stitches but to challenge the stitcher, I added a few specialty stiches including a band of Marash Embroidery.  Armenian Miniatures were such a great source of inspiration for designing the piece, as much in the choice of colors as in the choice of symbols: Pomegranate, grapevine, birds, entwined birds, tree of life....They all symbolize eternal life.

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